Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Start - grinding my own chicken breast

Tomorrow starts the beginning of my She Sweats 12-week Transformation (From He and She Eats Clean).  At first, I wasn't going to do the whole eat clean thing with it.  I will confess; I tried eating clean for 1 month last spring, and gave up.  But then I began to think, "Why am I going to do all this hard work at the gym and ruin it all by what I eat?"  If I'm going to do this thing, I'm going to do it all in.

So tomorrow starts the gym…today starts the eating clean.  With eating clean, comes a food prep day.  Food prep can be as extensive as you want it to be.  My food prep will consist of: making my lunches for the week, pre-packing my veggies, making hard boiled eggs, and grinding my meat for the week.
I will focus on the last part of my food prep for this post.

Why am I grounding my own chicken breast?  1) Some stores only carry ground chicken, which can be ANY part of the chicken.  2) Not every store will grind it on site for you.  3) It can be expensive to buy when you do find a store to carry it.  4) If you are looking for organic or locally raised ground chicken…good luck.  I've only seen Purdue make ground chicken breast.

A clean diet consists largely of chicken based meals.  When I planned my weekly meals this week, I needed 6 1/2 pounds of chicken, 4 1/2 of those pounds needed to be ground.  Ground chicken breasts was $6 per pound at my local grocery store…and that's not even organic!  So I bought some chicken breast at Costco, for HALF that amount (not organic…baby steps).

How I am grounding my own chicken breast?  With the KitchenAid Professional Food Grinder Attachment - Buy Here.  This is really only cost effective if you already have a KitchenAid.  You can also grind chicken with a food processor or Vita-mix, according to many people on the internet.

From start (setting it up & cutting chicken) to finish (cleaning up grinder) the process took 20 minutes and I saved $12 by doing it myself.  

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